Talk to a traffic law attorney in Roseville, Fraser & Macomb County, MI

Talk to a traffic law attorney in Roseville, Fraser & Macomb County, MI

Get Your Driving Privileges Restored

Having your driver’s license suspended has a big impact on your daily life. It makes it very difficult to get to work or run errands. If you were sentenced to a license suspension as the result of a DUI conviction or another traffic offense, call the Law Offices of Scott E. Rabaut today. Attorney Scott is a trusted traffic law attorney in Roseville, Fraser & Macomb County, MI.

How do you request an appeal?

Attorney Scott can help you request a driver’s licensing appeal to overturn your license suspension. You’ll need the following items when you request the appeal:

  • Hearing request application (SOS-257)
  • Substance abuse evaluation (SOS-258)
  • Laboratory report form (10-Panel Drug Screen)
  • Three to six notarized testimonial letters
  • Alcoholics Anonymous (AA) documentation or sign-in sheet
  • Documentation of attendance at support meetings
  • Ignition Interlock Device (IID) final report
If you currently live outside of Michigan, you’ll also need any out-of-state driving records and proof of ignition interlock device to overturn the terms of your suspension.

Talk to a traffic law attorney today to learn more—attorney Scott serves Fraser, MI and the surrounding Roseville, Fraser & Macomb County, MI area.